Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is an important medical process that entails the administration of chelating drugs to remove heavy metals from the body that have accumulated in tissues and fluids. These toxins are usually formed with prolonged exposure to the environment or toxic substances. A person with abnormal levels of heavy metals is known to be at risk and may require further treatment Wortex adalah to overcome such problems. Some people may not suffer from side effects even if they have been exposed to heavy metals repeatedly over a period of time.


In cases where there are no abnormalities in the normal level of heavy metals, the patient may benefit from chelation therapy to cleanse the liver and remove heavy metals that have accumulated in tissues and body fluids. These toxins have many symptoms, and one of them is arthritis and other degenerative diseases. It can also affect the heart and brain and can lead to serious complications.


A number of conditions and diseases are treated with chelation therapy. These include cancer, cardiovascular disease, depression, and kidney stones.


Patient symptoms can be relieved by intravenous administration of chelating drugs


These drugs, which usually consist of aluminum salts, neutralize heavy metals in the blood and make them easier for the liver to utilize.


Another common form of chelation therapy involves the use of intravenous sodium thiocyanate. This is a substance that can be administered orally to eliminate heavy metals.


These methods are used by a number of medical practitioners. Some of these practitioners are in the field of alternative medicine. These practitioners believe that all heavy metals, especially those that are toxic to the liver, should be eliminated from the system in order to protect the organs from further damage.


However, there is an increasing belief that heavy metals may also be responsible for some cancers and diseases. Studies have shown that certain cancer cells have high levels of heavy metals that can be caused by environmental exposure and consumption of toxic metals in drinking water.


Some of these heavy metals can be removed by chelation therapy if the presence of the metals in the blood is considered to be too much. Although some metals have been proven to have some beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and promote overall health, others may cause more harm than good.


It is also believed that certain types of liver disease may result from long-term exposure to toxic metals. However, it is not clear whether or not chelation therapy helps patients with liver problems.


The treatment is safe and effective


However, people who take chelation therapy do have to take certain precautions in order to minimize any potential side effects.


Patients who have chronic hepatitis and liver disease, for example, may require a special type of chelation. This type of treatment is called chelation therapy for chronic hepatitis B and C. This type of therapy works to cleanse the liver in such a way that there is no longer any need for medication.


Patients taking this type of therapy are usually given as a series of pills in the form of a tablet or liquid. that contains a mixture of two or three doses taken over a course of one to four weeks.


Patients should follow the instructions on the bottle carefully and the dosage will be reduced over time so that their body does not become tolerant to the tablets. It is recommended that they have regular checkups with their doctor.


However, there are patients who have liver disease but are not showing any symptoms at all. It is unknown whether or not chelation therapy can help them treat their liver disease.


There are patients, however, who have developed serious side effects. The most common ones are:


If you notice any of the above side effects, stop taking the treatment immediately. If any one of the side effects continues after a month, contact your doctor.

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